Mental Post-Its

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The Hope Deck

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Photo via The Hope Deck

Hey, everyone –

Just wanted to quickly tell you about a cool offer from my friend, Jen Gordon, of The Hope Deck.

A couple of years ago, before I met her, Jen went through some really difficult circumstances in her life, but was blessed enough to have a group of good friends to see her through it. Later, one of these friends challenged her to make something good from all of this mess.

She’s a graphic designer, so she created The Hope Deck as a thank you gift for these friends. It’s a beautiful set of cards with a different Bible verse on each one. In fact, those friends selected the scriptures that were used.

She kept getting more requests for The Hope Deck, so now she’s making them commercially. She’s almost out of the original run, so she launched a Kickstarter a couple of weeks ago to get more printed. This second run will be enough to start selling them in stores, through affiliates online, and things like that.

Typically, a Hope Deck is $23, but for the next three days you can get two for $24. And they are super nice quality!

I’ve enjoyed having mine, and thought some of you might be interested as well. You can use them yourself as prayer cards, postcards, recipe cards, reminders, decor, and things like that. Or you can buy a bunch to keep on hand for gifts. Due to the nature of the cards, they work for pretty much any occasion!

I’m really proud of Jen, and am praying this is a successful campaign. Please join me in supporting her!

Join the Kickstarter Now!